
Slo Cal Roots THC Boiling Point

What is THC’s boiling point?

The boiling point of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, has been debated for decades. Here you’ll learn why cannabinoid boiling points matter and how to consume THC at the right temperature.  Why are cannabinoid boiling points important? Heating cannabinoids like THC activates their possible therapeutic and psychoactive properties. The heating process (called decarboxylation) causes

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Slo Cal Roots Cannabis Instead of Opioids

Can cannabis replace opioids?

In 1995, the president of the American Pain Society called for pain to be added as a fifth vital sign evaluated and managed by physicians—body temperature, heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are the original four. Measuring pain subsequently became a widely accepted practice among clinicians. With 20% of adults experiencing chronic pain, prescription opioids soon doubled and Americans began consuming 80% of

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