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The best weed strains that won’t make you paranoid

Anyone who has ever come in contact with or knows someone who has come in contact with cannabis knows one thing to be true, there is always one person who brings out the paranoia in everyone.

Cannabis has a way of relaxing every part of our bodies and mind. When that happens, some people are not really sure how to relax so they freak out when they realize that absolutely nothing is happening.

What Is Paranoia?

The dictionary defines paranoia as “a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution…” and it is just that, a delusion. Consuming cannabis, in whatever way you choose, still brings out some slight paranoia in most people.

They start to maintain this idiosyncratic belief or impression of something happening, despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational thought.

It seems a bit far-fetched but it’s true, paranoia and delusions can be associated with mental disorders. This unfounded mistrust of others can make it difficult for a person with paranoia to function socially or have close relationships.

Paranoia may be a symptom of paranoid personality disorder, delusional (paranoid) disorder, Bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.

Why Do We Experience Paranoia?

People who experience mistrustful thoughts in daily life are more likely to experience exaggerated paranoia after using cannabis.

If you still think, feel, or see things you cannot trust even after trying cannabis, this may be an opportunity for self-reflection.

Do you experience something you cannot trust or anxious thoughts even when you aren’t using cannabis?

This fear of being harmed, followed, or even talked about by another person is an unproductive practice. Maybe Mary Jane’s spirit is trying to help you realize the truth.

We often go on ignoring negative thoughts on a day-to-day basis because we are too busy working or getting on with life, but these thoughts are important because they affect the outcome of our lives.

What Causes Paranoia?

The causes of paranoia are unclear and depend on the condition with which it is associated. Research about the relationship between genetics and paranoia has been limited and inconsistent.

Some studies suggest that certain genes can cause or contribute to paranoia, while others don’t. It is also unclear if paranoia has a genetic basis, whether it can be inherited, and what other factors might influence it.

Neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) form the basis of thoughts and feelings. Drugs such as shrooms, cannabis, and amphetamines alter brain chemistry and can bring on paranoid thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This leads some researchers to believe that paranoia may be a biochemical disorder of the brain. The causes of this possible disorder are unknown.

Some symptoms of paranoia relate to repressed, denied, or projected feelings. Often these thoughts and feelings are related to events or relationships in a person’s life, thereby increasing isolation and difficulty with getting help.

Although some studies suggest that paranoia is a combination of factors, it may be that the number of genetic and environmental factors working in combination cause paranoia. Other studies have found that paranoia is more common in people who have experienced severe and ongoing stress. How stress can trigger paranoia is unclear.

How Do We Avoid Feeling Paranoid?

It’s a good practice in life to learn how you can use everything as a tool for your learning. So, if cannabis is giving you this experience as a tool to learn something about yourself, what is making you feel this way, and how do you overcome it?

The first step is to examine your surroundings. If you are experiencing distrustful thoughts in everyday life, it might be time to change your surroundings. Cannabis increases your sensitivity to situations and perhaps your increased awareness is telling you that your surroundings no longer serve you.

If you use cannabis to reduce your anxiety, then in that reduced state of anxiety you are better able to rationalize your situation. Although easier said than done, realize that your paranoid thoughts are not serving you either. It is one thing to be in a state of acute awareness and another to act irrationally on fear.

If you’re having anxiety or paranoia when you use cannabis, don’t discourage its use. Some people don’t experience that, and for the majority of regular cannabis users, it’s a beautiful experience. Creating that unique moment for yourself is easy if you’re willing to examine why you feel certain things when you use cannabis

Cannabis & Paranoia

It is highly recommended to seek out a therapist regarding anxiety symptoms and learn various coping skills. Cannabis may temporarily relieve anxiety in some people but can not eliminate the underlying causes of paranoia.

An additional service provided by a therapist is ideal for the identification of factors contributing to anxiety/paranoia and to help overcome such symptoms.

Specialists predominantly acknowledge that chronic weed usage from early life is an important factor in leading to consequent significant mental health challenges, but whether the substance causes paranoia has yet to be determined.

Presumably, individuals who struggle with this condition were most likely to begin smoking weed.

Cannabis does not cause these complications for everybody. When the medication leaves the bloodstream, the fear gives way to paranoia. If we’re nervous, have bad thoughts about ourselves, or have spatial disruptions, we are more likely to be watchful of others.

Although they both have anxiety as a sign, cannabis use has been shown to cause only cannabis-related paranoia, as demonstrated by a study published in Schizophrenia Bulletin. This condition wears off with medication for the majority of people. For some, this condition persists and becomes a chronic issue or a component of an underlying condition.

Specialists believe that each person’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) can be linked to cannabinoid receptors in different areas of the brain, including the amygdala. When an individual uses THC-rich cannabis, the brain absorbs far more cannabinoids than usual.

Research indicates that an excess of cannabinoids overstimulates the amygdala, which causes fear and anxiety.

10 Strains That Won’t Make You Paranoid


Harlequin is a sativa cannabis strain renowned for reliably expressing high CBD. This strain provides clear-headed effects and the ability to relax without sedation or intoxication. Harlequin’s high levels of CBD make this strain one of the most effective strains for treating pain and anxiety, as CBD can counteract THC’s paranoia while amplifying its painkilling properties. This strain features flavors that range from earthy musk to sweet mango.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain that produces a balanced high, along with cerebral stimulation and full-body relaxation effects. Blue Dream is 18% THC but has a low CBD percentage, making this potent strain a fan favorite of both novice and veteran cannabis consumers. Medical cannabis patients often use this strain to treat symptoms of depression, chronic pain, and nausea.


Cannatonic is a mostly CBD medical cannabis strain that produces a relatively short-lived, mellow high that is also uplifting and powerfully relaxing. Medical cannabis patients choose Cannatonic to treat pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, and migraines. This strain has an earthy odor with a sweet citrus flavor.

Mango Kush

The Mango Kush strain tastes similar to the actual mango fruit, with a distinct kush flavor and hints of pine on the exhale. Its buds, dense with orange pistils, have thick shiny trichomes that are evident when the bud is broken apart. When smelled or tasted, it is mango and banana.


Harle-Tsu is a CBD-rich hybrid cross between Harlequin and Sour Tsunami. With its high CBD content and virtually non-existent THC content, Harle-Tsu may bring relief to pain and inflammation without euphoria or intoxication. Harle-Tsu seeds have a 75% chance of expressing CBD characteristics.

Blue Cookies

Blue Cookies is an indica-dominant hybrid. It delivers a crushing euphoria straight to the head that sinks to relax the body. The sweet berry flavors fuse with earthy cherry notes in a flavor profile as enticing as the bud’s thick coat of frosty resin that stretches over twisting hues of green and purple. Novice consumers should approach this strain’s potency with modesty. However, veterans will appreciate its potency.

Purple Urkle

Purple Urkle’s history is as complex as its flavor palate. The origins are believed to stem from a select Mendocino phenotype, while the essence is a blend of skunk, berry, and fresh grapes. Consumers report the effects to be deeply relaxing and sleep-inducing and a great option for full-body pain relief. The short onset of effects makes it a perfect nighttime strain for those who suffer from insomnia.

Ringo’s Gift

Ringo’s Gift is a high-CBD strain that crosses Harle-Tsu and ACDC. It is named for the late Lawrence Ringo, a cannabis activist, and CBD pioneer. Ringo’s Gift comes in several different phenotypes and ratios of CBD to THC. The most popular being a 1:1, but has seen ratios as steep at 24:1. This strain has become a favorite in clubs in Barcelona, providing a mellow mix of cerebral activity

Tangerine Power

As one might expect, Tangerine Power carries an unmistakable citrus aroma inherited from the Agent Orange parent. However, this hybrid takes after the Blue Power parent in its full-body relaxation and powerful euphoria that trickles over both mind and body.

Strawberry Cough

Strawberry Cough is a potent sativa that has mysterious genetic origins. However, Strawberry Cough is thought to be a cross of Haze and Strawberry Fields. The skunky, berry flavors capture your senses while the cerebral, uplifting effects provide an aura of euphoria that will leave you smiling. Strawberry Cough is a great solution in times of elevated stress.


It is simply too narrow to say that cannabis causes paranoia because it’s hard to measure individual experiences. There are too many variables in a person’s life, in conjunction with a person’s use of the plant, that causes increased anxiety.

Take it slow. Experiment with different strains at lower doses and slowly increase when you are comfortable.

There are deep-rooted, underlying psychological reasons behind why you feel paranoid, but not everyone is comfortable with therapy, but cannabis, if consumed responsibly, might be the key to eliminating your paranoia.

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